If you are still not using sustainable options, then ask yourself why not? It is almost a crime not to, and God forbid you end up on the cancelled list for the wrong choices. Being mindful about sustainable event nowadays is a must!
That said, we do not recommend switching all flower décor to plastic so it can be reused again, in the hopes of repurposing it. Instead, remember, the whole point of being eco-conscious is to find a middle ground where you can still get your best event outcome while not necessarily saving the earth, but for sure respecting it.
This blog is all about giving you options to consider when choosing decorations, foods or anything related physically to event planning.
Edible Plates and Cups for your Sustainable Event
It is not news that we love to incorporate edible decorations, but this can go beyond the cucumber-shaped flower or rose shaped radish. It can extend to eating the dishes too! Just like some trending coffee places offer edible mugs or soup bowls, you should give your guests the chance to literally say, “the food was so good, I ate the plate!”
Straight from the Source for a Sustainable Event
Using imported goods is fun and exotic, and is a real treat for guests. However, have you ever considered the carbon footprint for the goods to travel all the way to your event? Why use foreign-style items when you could instead opt for something local and just as exciting? For example, collaborate with your local farms, wineries, cheese producers, bee keepers or any organic, handmade products. Yes, it might be pricey, we know, but it is so worth it, especially when trying to leave an impression.
The effect is much greater than simply reducing carbon emissions, as this supports your community, neighbours, and improves your city’s quality of life. So always strive to find a closer alternative.
Living Plant Walls
Have you ever considered covering the walls at your event with plants, which you can later use as giveaways? At the end of the night, guests could simply pick their favourite greenery and leave with their own new green houseplant.
Or here’s another idea, if your event lacks a focal point or wow factor, a popular trend is to have a fake wall with service holes, where a guest rings a bell, and a glass of champagne pops out. Now, imagine combining both a live plant wall and the fake wall concept. An effective use of space that is sustainable!
Upcycled Centrepieces
If plants are not your cup of tea, you can always opt for using upcycled materials like glass jars, reclaimed wood, or old fabric. For example, you could use the glass jars to hold the floral centerpieces or napkins. And for those with a larger budget, how about hiring a woodworker to repurpose reclaimed wood into cutting boards for charcuterie displays or cheese boards for guests to take home?
A great touch is to brand your wooden board with your company logo or perhaps a sponsors’ logo? A nice sustainable gift with branding will go a long way.
Sustainable Giveaways Your Event Attendees Will Love
We have mentioned at least two options for usable gifts so far, and here is a suggestion to also keep in mind. Focus on giving attendees something they actually need. For example, we are quite sure that most people already have enough pens or cloth shopping bags at home, so why bother giving them another one?
When deciding on a sustainable giveaway, it is important to choose items that are useful and will not go to waste. Consider gifting items that encourage sustainability, such as seeds, foldable water bottles, utensil sets, stainless steel straws, or reusable water bottles branded with your event logo.
Workshops to Promote Sustainability at Your Event
Including workshops that support sustainability is such a great idea to promote eco-consciousness. For example, why not invite artists or creative entrepreneurs to showcase their products? Workshops could include activities like how to make beeswax wraps, decorating tote bags, or even a little lesson about sustaining or maintaining home planters, which can be used to grow nutritious herbs or vegetables.
Digitize Everything to Make Your Event Greener
Relying less on paper invites, agendas, or anything physical, and instead choosing digital alternatives that guests can easily access on their devices, not only saves you money but also promotes a greener approach.
Having an app on hand to gather all relevant information about your event is a great sustainable option to printed items.
A bonus idea is to ask attendees to participate in a shared photo or video album. There are many apps where guests can upload, for example, 10 pictures or videos from the event, and everyone can have access to them. Maybe ask each guest to offer their sustainable testimonial tip or talk about what sustainable feature they liked at your event. It is a budget-friendly way to share collective memories with a collaborative twist.
Ready to make 2025 greener than ever before?
For more ideas, please contact us for a free consultation first . We have many “bright ideas’ that we would like to share with you!