Bright Ideas’ advice was included in an article published in the Management section of the April issue of BC Business; with tips for would-be office party planners. Corporate event planning 101 from three local experts.Observe the lack of hands in the air when the...
Theme events are a mainstay of Bright Ideas’ business. We do more themed events than any other kind of corporate event. The biggest reason? They work. A fun theme, properly marketed to the invited guests, invariably draws a bigger response and delivers a...
Successful events start out with clearly defined objectives. They also measure the results. With budgets as tight as ever, you need to be able to support your decision to host a corporate event – with measurable outcomes showing a return on your special event...
The best venues for holiday events are booked long in advance of the holiday season. If you have your eyes on a particular venue, or want to shop and compare with the greatest selection available, you need to get an early start. The most popular venues will already be...
New Year’s Eve is only hours away and so are the hoardes arriving at your doorstep to celebrate 2012’s grand arrival. Joanne Richard shares a few last-minute tips on throwing a perfect party, including advice from Bright Ideas Event Coordinators’ Sharon...
2011 was another exciting year at Bright Ideas Event Coordinators, filled with great events, satisfied clients, and recognition from our peers. We hope the past twelve months were a positive, successful time for you too. Here’s some of the reasons we’re...